I haven't been posting as much lately, mostly because between work at IBM and this new crazy gym schedule, I haven't had the time or the energy to do continual blogging of this experience. That's not to say that I don't want the information up there. I absolutely do.
I think, though, that since the workout regime is exactly the same every week, I'll post the whole week in one shot. I need to make some comments about what I think of this new style of training.
Oh, and I ended up not hiring Mark as a trainer. Too flaky. He kept canceling appointments at the last minute, and that just wasn't working. So, I ended up going with a guy named Dave Patellaro. Good guy, who will hence be known as TrainerDave™. (He also goes by his trainer persona, Mr. Impact, but I just can't bring myself to call him that. A little bit of me dies inside each time I see that at the end of a text message.)
The diet...is killer. That is turning out to be my biggest challenge.
The workouts...well....here's the past week.
Oh, and each day also includes 45 minutes of cardio in the morning, and 30 more minutes of cardio after lifting.
Day 1: Chest and Triceps (5/19/2008)
- High cable cross: 70 x 15|15|12|10
- Incline bench: 135 x 12|8|6
- Flat DB press: 60 x 4|6|5
- Dips: 3|3|4
- Push-ups: 15|8|6
- Lateral raise (DB): 15 x 20|20|15
- Front lift: 40 x 20|15|15
Day 2: Back, Delts, & Biceps (5/20/2008)
- Pullups: 0 x 3, 100 x 10, 90 x 6|4
- BB row: 135 x 12|12|12|8
- Pulldowns: 90 x 10, 105 x 8, 90 x 10|10
- Cable rows: 100 x 15|12|15|15
- Reverse pec deck: 70 x 10, 50 x 15|15|15
- Shrugs: 180 x 18|15, 90 x 20|20
- High cable curl: 45 x 20, 60 x 15|20, 75 x 18
Day 3: Legs (5/21/2008)
- Squats: 135 x 15, 205 x 15, 225 x 10
- Leg curl: 135 x 20|20|20|20
- Leg extension: 60 x 20|20|20|20
- Stiff leg deadlift: 115 x 15|15|15|15
- Standing calf raises (SS): 100 x 30|30|30|30
- Seated calf raises (SS): 50 x 30|30|30|30
Day 4: Upper chest & shoulders (5/22/2008)
- High incline BB press: 90 x 15|15|15|15
- Military press: 90 x 15|15|15|15
- Side DB raises: 15 x 20|20|20|20
- Front raises: 40 x 20|20|20|20
- Rear delt rows: 90 x 20|20|20|20
- Upright cable pulls: 40|50|60|70 x 20
- Shrugs: 140 x 15|15|15|15
Day 5: Biceps & Triceps (5/23/2008)
- French curls (SS1): 60 x 15|15|15|15
- Skullcrushers (SS1): 70 x 15|15|15|15
- Tricep pushdowns (SS2): 80|90|100 x 15
- Alternating DB curls (SS2): 30 x 15|15|15
- Preacher curl (SS3): 50 x 20, 40 x 15|8
- Overhead tricep extension (SS3): 100 x 20|20|20|20
- Back dip (SS4): Bodyweight x 19|16
- Concentration curls (SS4): 30 x 16|8
Day 6: OFF
And that's the 6-day cycle that will keep repeating. I need to ask TrainerDave™ whether I can relax the diet on the days off just a bit. I really do think that having some real food once per week will help maintain my sanity and push me to keep on track during the workout days.
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