Sunday, January 13, 2008


Tonight was back night, and we were in and out quickly. After the workout, Matt and I sat down (having a shake...gotta have SOME reward) and talked about our upcoming goals. I'm putting together workouts for the next 12 weeks. Some of the more recent workout are leaving me...well...I'm not sore the next day or two, which says to me that I'm not working hard enough. So, we articulated the following as aspects we would like to incorporate into the new routine.

  • Stick with four days per week: Chest/Shoulders, Legs, Arms,
  • For each body part, two strength days and two mass-building days per month
  • For legs: more work on glutes, less on calves, and stay intense
  • For back: keep things relatively the same, since this workout is working well for both of us, but add the Roman chair to strengthen lower back
  • My arm workout from last week was GREAT, so we'll stick with that
  • Split shoulder work between back day and chest day
  • Shorten rest times between lifts. Aim for 45-60 seconds (except for big leg lifts, which just take more recovery time.)
  • Try adding in clean-and-jerk. I'm not convinced of this one, and am afraid of it. I can just see the bar flying up into my face and knocking out all of my teeth.

When I get something put together, I'll put it up here (though likely as a link to a file download.)

Tonight's numbers:

Sunday, January 13, 2008 - Back/Shoulders

Exercise Cory Matt
Wide pulldown (M) 120 X 12 X 3 120 x 10 x 3
Close pulldown (M) 100 x 12 x 3 120 x 10 x 3
Wide barbell row (F) 135 x 12 x 3 135 X 12 x 2 : 135 x 10
Close DB row (F) 45 x 12 : 50 x 12 : 55 x 12 45 x 10 x 3
Shrug rack (F) 180 x 12 : 270 x 12 : 360 x 10 180 x 13 : 180 x 10 : 270 x 10

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