Monday, April 28, 2008


Tonight was the last workout at Gold's Ann Arbor before heading out for the summer in California. A friend commented today that I'm crazy for actually making gym time on the night before I leave. I dunno...I love chest days, and I figure that if I don't make the gym a priority all the time, I'll slide into making it a priority none of the time.

Good workout tonight. Afterward, Matt and I went for a good protein-filled dinner at Mongolian BBQ. As a birthday/going-away gift, the manager (who is also a new buddy) comped the entire meal. NICE!!

Without further ado...tonight's numbers:

Monday, April 28, 2008 - Chest

Exercise Cory Matt
DB flat press 90 x 10 x (L/R) : 90 x 7 x (L/R) 60 x 10 x (L/R) x 2
DB incline press 80 x 9 x (L/R) : 65 x 3 x (L/R) 60 x 10 x (L/R) x 2
Decline bench 225 x 9 : 225 x 7 155 x 10 x 2
Cable cross 40 x 20 x (L/R) : 42.5 x 15 x (L/R) 40 x 10 x (L/R) : 42.5 x 10 x (L/R)
Iso decline press 180 x 15 : 230 x 15 180 x 10 : 230 x 5
Pec deck 130 x 10 : 150 x 10 130 x 10 : 150 x 10
Incline fly 50 x 12 x (L/R) x 2 45 x 10 x (L/R) x 2

TOTAL 22,715 17,100

Sunday, April 27, 2008


Just in time before leaving, my replacement weight belt came from EliteFTS. This one fits MUCH better (XL instead of L). Before the fit put the prongs into the last two sets of holes, and a very short overhang to leverage in getting the belt on and off. On the new one, the prongs hit the belt right in the middle of the punched holes, so I can grow or shrink in the waist and still be able to use it just fine. Still, it's a very hard belt and takes a lot of work getting unbuckled. I don't want to look like a complete tool in the gym. ( more than I probably look already.) So, I think I'll hold off until I get with a trainer in San Jose and see where things are - and get some advice from someone much more experienced.

So, here are the numbers for today:

Sunday, April 27, 2008 - Back

Exercise Cory Matt
BackExt (M) / Deadlift 200 x 15 x 2 185 x 12 x 2
Assisted WG pull-up 45 x 10 : 45 x 7 @ wt=230 85 x 12 x 2 @ wt=230
Seated cable pull 180 x 15 x 2 140 x 12 x 2
Bent-over barbell row 225 x 12 : 225 x 10 185 x 10 : 135 x 12
Lateral raise 80 x 12 : 85 x 10 (M) 20 x 12 x 2 (DB)
Posterior deltoid deck 115 x 10 : 115 x 5 115 x 10 x 2
RCStackSet 7.5 pounds 5 pounds

TOTAL 24,320 18,530

Friday, April 25, 2008


The countdown to leaving has begun. Soon, I'll be working out in a different gym (probably another Gold's, if they let me trasfer my membership.) Good arm day today.

The numbers:

Friday, April 25, 2008 - Arms

Exercise Cory Matt
Tricep pushdowns 80 x 15 : 87.5 x 20 72.5 x 12 x 2
Skullcrushers 135 x 10 x 2 70 x 10 x 2
Overhead tricep extension 72.5 x 15 : 80 x 10 72.5 x 10 x 2
Preacher curls (M) 160 x 10 : 165 x 9 110 x 12 x 2
DB bicep/hammer curls 35 x 10 x (b/h) x 2 30 x 10 x (b/h) x 2
Barbell bicep curl 60 x 12 x 2 65 x 10 x 2
Palm down wrist curl 45 x 20 x 2 (bar) 45 x 20 x 2 (bar)
Palm up wrist curl 45 x 20 x 2 (bar) 45 x 20 x 2 (bar)
Tricep pushdowns II 87.5 x 15 x 2 65 x 12 x 2
Preacher curls II 110 x 10 x 2 115 x 6 : 115 x 10

TOTAL 23,287.5 18,040

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Good chest day, at least in that the numbers continually go up little by little.

Today's numbers:

Wednesday, April 23, 2008 - Chest

Exercise Cory Matt
Flat bench 185 x 10 : 225 x 5 155 x 10 x 2
Decline DB press 60 x 12 x (L/R) : 60 x 15 x (L/R) 60 x 10 x (L/R) x 2
Incline DB press 60 x 12 x (L/R) x 2 60 x 10 x (L/R) x 2
Cable cross 35 x 15 x (L/R) x 2 35 x 10 x (L/R) x 2
Decline bench 135 x 12 : 135 x 15 135 x 10 : 135 x 7
Incline fly 45 x 12 x (L/R) x2 45 x 10 x (L/R) : 45 x 5 x (L/R)

TOTAL 17,000 12,945

Sunday, April 13, 2008


After the last back day, and wondering about the weight belt issue, I suddenly developed something of a mental block against doing things like GoodMornings and serious squats until I get a decent belt. The belt I ordered from EliteFTS came, and it was amazing. Unfortunately, it was too small. Given the sizing chart on their website, I was just on the border between L and XL. Being foolishly optimistic, and not knowing how to make the decision correctly, I went for the L. This is a serious weight belt made of industrial hard rubber tread, covered with stiff leather. I could get it on, but started freaking out when I couldn't remove it after 20 minutes. Too stiff, prongs too long, rubber too inflexible, not enough overhang to get some good pull. I calmed down and did finally get it unbuckled; however, I had no intention of repeating that drama in the gym. I sent it back for an exchange - XL this time. I hope it arrives before I leave town.

At any are tonight's numbers.

before a major injury tells me, "Oh...I should have been wearing a weight belt when I tried that!" I'll have to do some research on that one. I own a weight belt, but just never thought I needed it. I asked one of the head trainers at Gold's, and got an answer of, "I don't know, but it's a good question. I'll ask around and get back to you." That's the kind of response I like to hear, and gives me a lot of respect for the person delivering it.

At any rate, here are today's numbers:

Sunday, April 13, 2008 - Back

Exercise Cory Matt
BackExt (M) / Deadlift 150 x 15 x 2 205 x 8 : 205 x 10
Assisted WG pull-up 45 x 8 : 45 x 6 @ wt=230 85 x 10 : 85 x 7 @ wt=230
Seated cable pull 240 x 10 : 140 x 20 160 x 10 x 2
Bent-over barbell row 135 x 15 x 2 135 x 12 x 2
Lateral raise 70 x 12 : 80 x 12 (M) 20 x 20 x 2 (DB)
Posterior deltoid deck 115 x 12 x 2 115 x 12 : 115 x 5
RCStackSet 7.5 pounds 5 pounds

TOTAL 22,190 16,670

Friday, April 11, 2008

Tonight's Double Header - Legs AND Arms!

So, as is probably obvious from the previous posts (or lack thereof), Matt and I missed legs on Wednesday. I think he had an exam, and he was too sleep-deprived on Thursday. So, we decided to go for the gold and have the Friday night combo. I'm sure we'll know in a day or two whether this was a folly-ridden decision.

By the end, I was pretty exhausted (in a good way), and felt like my arms were going to explode (in that REALLY good way).

As a side note, my gym is undergoing some changes, and I can say with certainty that I'm not a fan. The owners are opening a second gym in the neighboring town, and instead of having the financing completely in place, they seem to be cannibalizing the gym equipment from Ann Arbor (location I) and shifting it to Saline (location II). Every day, it seems that more equipment is gone. People are starting to have to wait extended periods for flat benches, ellipticals, and pretty much everything else. Really, it's become like "Gold's Montana - The Gym of Wide, Open Spaces." Seriously, you have to go on safari just to find clips for the free weights.

I wonder if there will be anything left when I get back in September. Hell...I wonder if there will be anything left by the end of the month.

The locker rooms are closed over the weekend for "repainting and maintenance." I hope that means "getting rid of the mold in the showers." Yuck. How hard is it to make spraying the showers and curtains with anti-mildew spray as part of closing duties?

Anyway - enough bitching. Here are tonight's numbers.

Friday, April 11, 2008 - Arms and Legs

Exercise Cory Matt
Tricep pushdowns 65 x 15 : 80 x 12 65 x 10 : 72.5 x 10
Skullcrushers 115 x 12 x 2 70 x 10 : 70 x 12
Overhead tricep extension 72.5 x 15 x 2 72.5 x 10 x 2
Preacher curls (M) 160 x 10 x 2 110 x 12 : 130 x 9
DB bicep/hammer curls 35 x 10 x (b/h) x 2 32.5 x 10 x (b/h) : 35 x 10 x b : 27.5 x 6 x h
Barbell bicep curl 60 x 12 x 2
Palm down wrist curl 45 x 20 x 2 (bar) 45 x 20 x 2 (bar)
Palm up wrist curl 45 x 20 x 2 (bar) 45 x 20 x 2 (bar)
Tricep pushdowns II 80 x 15 : 80 x 20 72.5 x 10 : 80 x 5
Preacher curls II 100 x 15 x 2 125 x 9 : 110 x 9
Torso rotation 150 x 20 x (L/R) x 2
Leg press 530 x 10 x 2 530 x 10 x 2
Leg extensions 190 x 12 x 2 190 x 10 x 2
Hamstring curl 190 x 10 x 2 190 x 10 x 2
Seated calf raise 180 x 10 : 180 x 5
Glute kickbacks 180 x 10 x (L/R) x 2
Hip abduction 250 x 20 x 2
Hip adduction 250 x 20 x 2

TOTAL 83,130 35,665

Monday, April 7, 2008


Okay night tonight. Nothing exciting. Tonight's numbers...

Monday, April 7, 2008 - Chest

Exercise Cory Matt
Flat bench 185 x 10 : 225 x 5 155 x 9 : 135 x 10
Decline DB press 60 x 15 x (L/R) : 60 x 12 x (L/R) 60 x 10 x (L/R) x 2
Incline DB press 60 x 12 x 2 x (L/R) 60 x 9 x 2 x (L/R)
Cable cross 37.5 x 12 x (L/R) x 2 32.5 x 12 x (L/R) : 37.5 x 10 x (L/R)
Decline bench 135 x 15 : 155 x 10 135 x 10 : 135 x 6
Incline fly 45 x 15 x (L/R) : 45 x 12 x (L/R) 45 x 10 x (L/R) : 45 x 7 x (L/R)

TOTAL 16,900 12,525

Friday, April 4, 2008


Another good workout day. I like this technique of focusing on one muscle group and exhausting it through multiple exercises, then moving on to another muscle. It seems to have more impact.

Here are tonight's numbers:

Friday, April 4, 2008 - Arms

Exercise Cory Matt
Tricep pushdowns 65 x 15 x 2 65 x 10 x 2
Skullcrushers 100 x 12 : 100 x 15 70 x 10 x 2
Overhead tricep extension 65 x 15 x 2 65 x 10 x 2
Preacher curls (M) 155 x 12 x 2 125 x 10 x 2
DB bicep/hammer curls 35 x 10 x (b/h) : 30 x 10 x (b/h) 35 x 10(b) : 27.5 x 10(b) : 25 x 10(h) : 20 x 6(h)
Barbell bicep curl 70 x 10 x 2 65 x 10 : 65 x 8
Palm down wrist curl 20 x 10 x (L/R) x 2 45 x 30 (DB) : 25 x 45 (bar)
Palm up wrist curl 20 x 15 x (L/R) x 2 45 x 30 (DB) : 25 x 45 (bar)
Tricep pushdowns II 65 x 20 : 80 x 15 65 x 5 : 80 x 5
Preacher curls II 110 x 15 x 2 10 x 9 : 110 x 6
Torso rotation 150 x 20 x (L/R) x 2 190 x 12 x (L/R) x 2
Abdominal crunches 60 x 10 x 5 (MTS) 25 x 10 x 2 (Jackknife)

TOTAL 36,120 26,605

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Big workout tonight, which was a good thing. After recovering from the other night's mistake with doing too many abdominal crunches and then getting a muscle spasm through the entire rectus abdominus, you would think that I had learned my lesson. But no...I did it again tonight. Grrrr...

Been reading (bit surprise there) a bit about structuring sets to not do too many during warm up, and only doing a few to work up to near max weights. Thought I might try that tonight, but think that there is a bit more reading and planning to be done before integrating it.

On the note of integrating new things, tonight was the first time EVER that I did lunges. Strangely, I had been thinking earlier in the day that I might like to try them. I ultimately didn't, since I was looking forward to squats and leg presses. Matt, though, said he just wasn't up for squatting (both he and I have had some lower back spasms and general discomfort. He thinks that he might have a compressed disk. I'm sure that mine is simply an imbalance between stabilizing muscles in the lower back and abdominal region). So, he suggested lunges, and I figured that the universe was telling me that the time had come to try them out. DAMN...those are difficult. Moreso the balancing than the weight. Doing two sets of 10 at low weight tuckered me out almost as much as a round of heavy squatting. We'll see for how many days I stay sore.

At any's the workout and the numbers.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008 - Legs

Exercise Cory Matt
Lunges (barbell) 65 x 10 x (L/R) x 2 65 x 10 x (L/R) x 2
Leg press 530 x 4 : 800 x 7 : 980 x 1 : 890 x 8 530 x 10 : 620 x 9
Leg extensions 190 x 12 x 2 190 x 10 x 2
Hamstring curl 190 x 10 x 2 190 x 10 x 2
Seated calf raise 180 x 15 : 180 x 20 180 x 10 : 180 x 14
Glute kickbacks 160 x 10 x (L/R) : 180 x 10 x (L/R) Skipped
Hip abduction 250 x 16 x 2 210 x 10 x 2
Hip adduction 260 x 16 x 2 190 x 12 x 2
Abdominal crunches 100 x 25 x 2
Torso rotation 150 x 20 x (L/R) x 2

TOTAL 72,880 34,160

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


The theme for tonight seemed to be s-l-o-w. I was talking to powerlifter buddy Dominic, who said that every once in a while, he spends three months slowing everything down (which, of course, means dropping the weights and working back up). He suggested, when doing it seriously, a cadence of 10 seconds down, 2 seconds rest, 10 seconds up, 2 seconds rest. This minimizes any advantages to the lift you would gain through momentum, inertia, or bouncing. The lift is ALL YOU. I slowed things down for almost all of the lifts tonight, using a 5:2:5:2 cadence. WOW... I don't know if I'm up for the next three months of doing it, but it certainly was an experience that I'll throw in regularly from now on.

Also started adding back in some small amounts of abdominal work at the end of the workout. I haven't been doing Pilates for a while, and have let the ab work slide tremendously. I can tell, too, and think that the lack of natural tension and strength in the abs and core may be contributing to a bit of fatigue and pain in my lower back.

And as a follow up, I posed the "Should I be using a weight belt" question to two experienced lifting friends. One gave me a non-answer. The other looked at what I've been doing and said, " should be using a belt." That was more helpful. I ordered a belt from Elite Fitness Systems, on his recommendation. It should get here relatively soon. I'll post about what I think of it, and whether I think it makes a difference.

So, here are tonight's numbers:

Tuesday, April 1, 2008 - Chest

Exercise Cory Matt
Flat bench 185 x 10 : 135 x 10 155 x 10 : 135 x 10
Decline DB press 55 x 15 x (L/R) : 55 x 12 x (L/R) 55 x 12 x (L/R) : 55 x 10 x (L/R)
Incline DB press 55 x 15 x 2 x (L/R) 55 x 12 x 2 x (L/R)
Cable cross 35 x 12 x 2 x (L/R) 35 x 12 x (L/R) : 35 x 10 x (L/R)
Decline bench 135 x 10 x 2 135 x 6 x 2
Incline fly 40 x 9 x 2 x (L/R) 40 x 10 x (L/R) : 40 x 6 x (L/R)
Torso rotation 150 x 15 x 2 x (L/R)
Abdominal crunches 100 x 20 x 2

TOTAL 31,290 12,400