Monday, April 28, 2008


Tonight was the last workout at Gold's Ann Arbor before heading out for the summer in California. A friend commented today that I'm crazy for actually making gym time on the night before I leave. I dunno...I love chest days, and I figure that if I don't make the gym a priority all the time, I'll slide into making it a priority none of the time.

Good workout tonight. Afterward, Matt and I went for a good protein-filled dinner at Mongolian BBQ. As a birthday/going-away gift, the manager (who is also a new buddy) comped the entire meal. NICE!!

Without further ado...tonight's numbers:

Monday, April 28, 2008 - Chest

Exercise Cory Matt
DB flat press 90 x 10 x (L/R) : 90 x 7 x (L/R) 60 x 10 x (L/R) x 2
DB incline press 80 x 9 x (L/R) : 65 x 3 x (L/R) 60 x 10 x (L/R) x 2
Decline bench 225 x 9 : 225 x 7 155 x 10 x 2
Cable cross 40 x 20 x (L/R) : 42.5 x 15 x (L/R) 40 x 10 x (L/R) : 42.5 x 10 x (L/R)
Iso decline press 180 x 15 : 230 x 15 180 x 10 : 230 x 5
Pec deck 130 x 10 : 150 x 10 130 x 10 : 150 x 10
Incline fly 50 x 12 x (L/R) x 2 45 x 10 x (L/R) x 2

TOTAL 22,715 17,100

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