Tuesday, April 1, 2008


The theme for tonight seemed to be s-l-o-w. I was talking to powerlifter buddy Dominic, who said that every once in a while, he spends three months slowing everything down (which, of course, means dropping the weights and working back up). He suggested, when doing it seriously, a cadence of 10 seconds down, 2 seconds rest, 10 seconds up, 2 seconds rest. This minimizes any advantages to the lift you would gain through momentum, inertia, or bouncing. The lift is ALL YOU. I slowed things down for almost all of the lifts tonight, using a 5:2:5:2 cadence. WOW... I don't know if I'm up for the next three months of doing it, but it certainly was an experience that I'll throw in regularly from now on.

Also started adding back in some small amounts of abdominal work at the end of the workout. I haven't been doing Pilates for a while, and have let the ab work slide tremendously. I can tell, too, and think that the lack of natural tension and strength in the abs and core may be contributing to a bit of fatigue and pain in my lower back.

And as a follow up, I posed the "Should I be using a weight belt" question to two experienced lifting friends. One gave me a non-answer. The other looked at what I've been doing and said, "yes...you should be using a belt." That was more helpful. I ordered a belt from Elite Fitness Systems, on his recommendation. It should get here relatively soon. I'll post about what I think of it, and whether I think it makes a difference.

So, here are tonight's numbers:

Tuesday, April 1, 2008 - Chest

Exercise Cory Matt
Flat bench 185 x 10 : 135 x 10 155 x 10 : 135 x 10
Decline DB press 55 x 15 x (L/R) : 55 x 12 x (L/R) 55 x 12 x (L/R) : 55 x 10 x (L/R)
Incline DB press 55 x 15 x 2 x (L/R) 55 x 12 x 2 x (L/R)
Cable cross 35 x 12 x 2 x (L/R) 35 x 12 x (L/R) : 35 x 10 x (L/R)
Decline bench 135 x 10 x 2 135 x 6 x 2
Incline fly 40 x 9 x 2 x (L/R) 40 x 10 x (L/R) : 40 x 6 x (L/R)
Torso rotation 150 x 15 x 2 x (L/R)
Abdominal crunches 100 x 20 x 2

TOTAL 31,290 12,400

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