Sunday, March 30, 2008


Wow...we haven't had a real back day in a while, and I could totally feel it. The weights are down on several exercises, so I need to build back up. I think that Matt could feel it too.

I still haven't hit my upper limit on the GoodMornings. I did a second set of 5 at 315 pounds. I could have kept going without a problem, but realized that I had set the rack one notch too high, and I didn't want to get to failure and not be able to re-rack the bar. This led me to wonder, though - at what point should I start using a weight belt? I've never used one before, and I suspect that I should start using one before a major injury tells me, "Oh...I should have been wearing a weight belt when I tried that!" I'll have to do some research on that one. I own a weight belt, but just never thought I needed it. I asked one of the head trainers at Gold's, and got an answer of, "I don't know, but it's a good question. I'll ask around and get back to you." That's the kind of response I like to hear, and gives me a lot of respect for the person delivering it.

At any rate, here are today's numbers:

Sunday, March 30, 2008 - Back

Exercise Cory Matt
DL/GM 225 x 10 : 315 x 5 225 x 5 x 3
Assisted WG pull-up 60 x 10 : 45 x 8 @ wt=230 90 x 10 : 85 x 9 @ wt=230
Seated cable pull 240 x 10 : 120 x 30 160 x 7 : 140 x 3 : 140 x 10
Bent-over barbell row 155 x 10 : 225 x 10 155 x 10 x 2
Lateral raise 90 x 10 : 50 x 25 (M) 17.5 x 12 x 2 (DB)
Posterior deltoid deck 145 x 10 : 85 x 14 130 x 5 : 115 x 5 : 115 x 7
RCStackSet 7.5 pounds 5 pounds

TOTAL 22,585 16,460

Saturday, March 29, 2008


New routine, since we've had the old one for a while and a changeup is in order. After doing more reading on, I found some advice about doing several exercises in a row that target the same muscle, and performing them until you've really fatigued and shredded the muscle to failure. Moving from large muscles to small muscles that would be triceps, then biceps, then forearms. I decided to throw a twist in there just to make sure we were tired at the end: return to a few more failure sets of triceps and biceps after finishing the forearms/wrist curls.

On another note, today I tried the smaller, tabletop-type wrist/forearm isolation machine, which seemed to provide a lot more isolation and stability than palm-down wrist curls with the barbell. For the barbell type, I found that it's impossible for me not to move my arms as they rest over my legs, which act as a fulcrum. I'm sure I'll know by tomorrow if it was more effective.

Without further ado, here are today's numbers:

Saturday, March 29, 2008 - Arms

Exercise Cory Matt
Tricep pushdowns 65 x 15 : 65 x 12 72.5 x 12 : 65 x 12
Skullcrushers 90 x 15 : 90 x 18 70 x 12 : 70 x 18
Overhead tricep extension 65 x 12 x 2 57.5 x 11 : 65 x 9
Preacher curls (M) 150 x 10 : 150 x 12 125 x 10 x 2
DB bicep/hammer curls 30 x 10 x 2 x (b/h) 27.5 x 10 x (b/h) : 25 x 10 x (b/h)
Barbell bicep curl 70 x 10 x 2 60x 10 : hurt wrist
Palm down wrist curl 20 x 10 x (L/R) : 10 x 25 x (L/R) hurt wrist
Palm up wrist curl 30 x 15 x 2 x (L/R) hurt wrist
Tricep pushdowns II 35 x 20 : 65 x 15 65 x 10 x 2
Preacher curls II 95 x 15 : 95 x 10 110 x 10 : 110 x 4

TOTAL 18,935 12,027.5

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Wow....grueling leg day, but I loved it. This is going to hurt for days (but in the good way.) I've noticed (*knock on wood*) that my knee problem (patello femoral syndrome) has subsided. Perhaps the prescription strength naproxen worked!

Today's numbers:

Wednesday, March 26, 2008 - Legs

Exercise Cory Matt
Squats (Smith) 275 x 10 : 315 x 10 185 x 10 : 225 x 10
Leg press 630 x 10 : 720 x 10 450 x 10 : 540 x 10
Leg extensions 170 x 10 : 190 x 10 230 x 10 : 230 x 9
Hamstring curl 135 x 10 : 140 x 10 190 x 10 : 170 x 10
Seated calf raise 135 x 15 x 2 (cramp) 135 x 25 : 135 x 22
Glute kickbacks 140 x 10 x (L/R) : 160 x 10 x (L/R) 140 x 10 x 2 x (L/R)
Hip abduction 220 x 10 : 240 x 10 215 x 10 : 240 x 10
Hip adduction 220 x 10 : 240 x 10 220 x 10 : 240 x 10

TOTAL 45,000 42,065

Monday, March 24, 2008


Nothing major to report today. Just another chest day (which I really do like a lot.) Only thing of note was that we both must have been a bit tired, since we dropped down several pounds on most of the dumbbell work. Don't know why it is, but the steam simply wasn't there tonight.

The numbers:

Monday, March 24, 2008 - Chest

Exercise Cory Matt
Decline bench 225 x 10 : 225 x 7 155 x 10 x 2
Flat fly 55 x 10 x (L/R) : 45 x 10 x (L/R) 40 x 10 x 2 x (L/R)
Incline DB press 70 x 10 x (L/R) : 70 x 7 x (L/R) 55 x 10 x 2 x (L/R)
Decline press 230 x 10 : 250 x 10 230 x 10 x 2
Pec deck 205 x 10 x 2 205 x 9 : 190 x 8
Incline fly 40 x 10 x 2 40 x 10 x 2

TOTAL 18,705 16,465

Sunday, March 23, 2008


BAD day today. Matt wasn't able to make it, so I was on my own. I didn't feel very motivated anyway, and it showed in the lifts. Just hit a wall and decided to stop before I pushed myself into hurting something. Am I over-training, or are these setbacks just remnants of the various illnesses that have been plaguing everyone around here (including me)?

Today's sad numbers:

Sunday, March 23, 2008 - Back

Exercise Cory
Assisted WG pull-up 70 x 10 : 55 x 10 @ wt=230
Seated cable pull 200 x 10 : 240 x 9
Lateral raise 90 x 10 x 2
Posterior delt deck 175 x 4 : 145 x 6 : 145 x 5

TOTAL 11,935

Friday, March 21, 2008


No Matt today. Exam or something like that.

I added something back into the routine that I hadn't done for a while - the famous Mike Stack Rotator Cuff Prehab/Rehab Superset. This is a killer, but it' amazing at strengthening the rotator cuff. From now on in this blog, it will be referred to as the RCStackSet. It consists of the following, all done without rest between sets, and done by holding plates in both hands. Also, be careful not to bring the arms above parallel while doing the raises, as this will then move from working the rotator cuff to activating the deltoid.

  • 10-15 arm raises to parallel in front of body, thumbs pointing up

  • 10-15 arm raises to parallel in front of body, thumbs pointing down

  • 10-15 arm raises to parallel at 45º, thumbs pointing up

  • 10-15 arm raises to parallel at 45º, thumbs pointing down

  • 10-15 arm raises to parallel at 90º, thumbs pointing up

  • 10-15 arm raises to parallel at 90º, thumbs pointing down

  • 10-15 reps holding arms parallel to floor, out to sides, and bring in to front of chest and back out

  • 10-15 reps upper arm parallel to floor, elbows bent 90º, and rotate arms forward until entire arm is parallel with floor, then rotate back up.

  • ABC's - left and right arms (more easily done one arm at a time): Hold the plate, and extend arm in front of sternum. Trace the entire alphabet in the air.

Today's numbers:

Friday, March 21, 2008 - Arms

Exercise Cory
Skullcrushers 90 x 12 x 2
Preacher curl 140 x 10 : 150 x 8
Overhead tricep extension 50 x 12 : 70 x 12
DB bicep curl 35 x 10 x (L/R) : 40 x 5 x (L/R)
DB hammer curl 35 x 10 x (L/R) : 40 x 5 x (L/R)
Barbell wrist curl palms down 45 x 10 x 2
Barbell wrist curl palms up 45 x 15 x 2
RCStackSet 10's @ 5 lb plates

TOTAL 11,710

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


No Matt today. The flu caught up with him, so he'll be out for a while.

Today's numbers:

Wednesday, March 12, 2008 - Legs

Exercise Cory
Squat (Smith) 225 x 10 : 275 x 5
Leg press 540 x 10 : 630 x 10
Leg extension 230 x 10 : 170 x 15
One-leg hamstring curl 120 x 10 x (L/R) : 120 x 7 x (L/R)
Seated calf raise 230 x 10 x 2
Hip abduction 240 x 10 x 2
Hip adduction 240 x 10 : 240 x 7
Glute kickbacks 130 x 10 x 2 x (L/R)

TOTAL 42,935

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Checking in....with VISUALS!!

It's been a little bit more than 4 months (maybe 4.5) since Matt and I started lifting regularly. I put the start date at October 22 or 23. As I mentioned about a month ago, I decided to go for more of a "bulking" regimen - eating more calories (especially protein) and pushing up the weights I've been lifting. Next up is cutting back to lose body fat.

But, I got the urge today to see if I've made any progress at all. I'll just put up the comparison pictures (as humiliating as the "before" pictures may be), and let readers be the judge of whether there has been a change. There are four sets of pictures: front, back, right side, left side. The first set was taken on October 23, 2007. The second set was taken today, March 11, 2008.

Monday, March 10, 2008


Today's numbers:

Monday, March 10, 2008 - Chest

Exercise Cory Matt
Decline bench 185 x 10 : 225 x 5 135 x 10 x 2
Flat fly 50 x 12 x (L/R) : 55 x 12 x (L/R) 35 x 12 x (L/R) : 409 x 12 x (L/R)
Incline DB press 70 x 12 x (L/R) : 60 x 10 x (L/R) 60 x 10 x (L/R) : 60 x 9 x (L/R)
Decline press 230 x 12 : 250 x 12 200 x 12 : 230 x 7
Pec deck 220 x 10 : 225 x 5 175 x 12 : 190 x 12
Incline fly 55 x 10 x 2 45 x 12 : 45 x 6

TOTAL 19,660 16,990

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Legs ... and a guest

Today was a lot of fun. I had one of my Up With People friends, Aaron (who was my cast's dance captain), visiting from Colorado Springs, CO. Aaron was up for joining Matt and me in our leg workout, so that was a good time.

Here are the numbers for the day:

Wednesday, March 26, 2008 - Legs

Exercise Cory Matt Aaron
Squats (Smith) 185 x 10 : 225 x 10 185 x 8 : 135 x 11 135 x 10 : 185 x 10
Leg press 450 x 10 : 540 x 10 450 x 10 x 2 270 x 10 : 360 x 10
One-leg hamstring curl 100 x 10 x (L/R) : 110 x 10x (L/R) 110 x 10 x 2 x (L/R) 65 x 10 x 2 x (L/R)
Seated calf raise 180 x 10 : 225 x 15 180 x 10 : 180 x 14 90 x 11 : 90 x 10
Hip abduction 230 x 15 x 2 210 x 12 110 x 15 x 3
Hip adduction 230 x 15 x 2 230 x 12 150 x 15 x 3

TOTAL 37,175 25,965 25,690