Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Good day yesterday. Hard day today. I think that celebrating New Years Eve was the culprit for making today difficult. I didn't drink, but the combination of not sleeping a lot and eating pizza (which was burning a hole through my chest an hour later) put me in a bad spot today.

At any rate, here's the details for yesterday (December 31, 2007) and today (January 1, 2008)

*For future reference, (F) denotes freeweights and (M) denotes a machine

Monday, December 31, 2007 - Chest/Shoulders

Elliptical 7:31 / 1.0 miles
Decline bench (F) 135 x 10 : 205 x 10 : 225 x 5
Low dumbell flat press (F) 60 x 10 : 60 x 10 : 60 x 5
Seated dumbell shoulder press (F) 25 x 20 : 30 x 20 : 30 x 12
Seated incline dumbell press 45ยบ (F) 45 x 10 : 45 x 10 : 45 x 10
Shoulder press (M) 50 x 10 : 60 x 10 : 65 x 6
Lateral raise (M) 50 x 10 : 60 x 10 : 65 x 10

Tuesday, January 1, 2008 - Cardio

Eh...I didn't go. Between getting over the major upset stomach and the lack of sleep, I decided that it would be better to not stress out my body, eat a little and be gentle to my stomach, and try to put my sleep cycle back on track. (Thank you, melatonin.)

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