Friday, January 18, 2008


I really love arm days. It's where I probably have the most to gain, and when I leave the gym I feel like I definitely did something substantial. As with all of the other days, Matt and I are (to the extent possible) dropping the weights and concentrating on slow lifts, technique/form, and the full range of motion.

Tonight's numbers:

Friday, January 18, 2008 - Arms

Exercise Cory Matt
Skull crushers (F) 80 x 15 x 2 : 90 x 15 80 x 10 x 3
Bicep curl (M) 110 x 12 x 3 110 x 10 x 2 : 95 x 8
Triceps push-downs (M) 65 x 12 x 3 72 x 8 : 65 x 9 : 57.5 x 8
DB biceps curl (F) 30 x 10 x 3 30 x 20 x 2 : 27.5 x 10
DB hammer curl (F) 30 x 10 x 3 25 x 10 : 22.5 x 10 x 2
Barbell wrist curl - up (F) 45 x 10 x 3 45 x 10 x 3
Barbell wrist curl - down (F) 45 x 10 x 3 45 x 10 x 3
Lateral raise (M) 80 x 10 x 3 50 x 10 : 80 x 10 : 80 x 8

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